[HIRING] Looking for scripters to work at our studio


Hello there! I am Head Moderator at JonathonBows Studio and we currently need some scripters to join our group and work on our upcoming game, California State patrol

THE TEAM (currently)
@JonathonBows - Founder
@Elythonis - Co-Founder
@ - Board of directors
@ - Head Administrator
@dekay1278 - Head Moderator
@ - Head Developer
@ - Scripters
@Rebellion2895 - Builders
@ - GFX
@ - GUI
@slevaal (Under review by BOD And Founder) - Modelers
@ - Car developers


Need to be advanced at scripting, show good skills and be able to work under a variety of conditions. You will need to show your portfolio and once hired, will be scripting the whole game along with other scripters.


As we are a small group, we currently have no payment plan at the moment. There might be one soon in the future.


You can talk to me on the Devforum or @JonathanBows


The link above is the group

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