Hiring map builder(s) to build a massive optimized map. (Plane Crazy)

I am looking for experienced / talented map builders to build a new massive optimized map with a lot of fun obstacles & playground area’s which works well on low end devices and looks really good on top tier devices.

Minimum time of experience in building required: 6 months
Deadline: Around 6 months. (Deadline can move if more time is needed, but this will result in a lower payment)
Please send me pictures of previous work / pictures of portfolio’s, i dont want to click weird links.

The map will be used in a physics based building game.
In the game you can build anything you want like cars, boats, rockets, planes, trains, etc.
The map will need to have area’s & interactable stuff for the creations people can build.

It doesn’t have to be all roblox terrain, you can combine it with 3dmodels or go with 3dmodels only if you’d like, but optimize it as much as possible for low end devices.

Game link: 🔨Plane Crazy🔨 - Roblox
Current map:

I can handle scripting the physics etc, but i dont know a lot about map optimization, so a scripter for optimizing the map will also be required.

Map requirements:

  1. Map must have a really good spawn area which doesn’t look empty or too cramped.
  2. There has to be a massive ocean.
  3. There has to be playgrounds like ramps, race tracks, loopings.
  4. Train rails for people who want to create trains.
  5. Physics affected objects which people can mess around with like a seesaw.
  6. Roads so that people have an easy way of finding new areas.
  7. Sites to explore like Caves, mountains and cliffs.
  8. Airports.
  9. Islands and docks.
  10. Possibly a city.
  11. Area’s to fly past like a cliff without anything blocking the entrance so you can fly through/past it.
  12. Drag race strip.
  13. Biomes with ice, sand, canyons etc.
  14. An area where i can place lava for people to mess around with.
  15. The map has to be optimized for low end devices because physics uses a ton of processing power.
  16. The map has to look well made for top tier devices (not lowpoly).
  17. The map needs interactable buttons and objects to mess around with.
  18. Good looking details for the landscapes like trees that can break when you crash into them, etc.
  19. Maybe a bridge that can open and close on the water?
  20. Easter eggs / funny areas
  21. The buildzones must be near eachother so that players can gather around easily and see what other people are building.
  22. The building zones need to fit inside of the spawn area, 1 area with small buildingzones and the other area with big building zones.


The price is dependend on the quality of the map and how much the community & I like the map.

Budget: 10k - 500k robux (DEPENDS ON FACTORS)


You can contact me right here on the devforum

You can also contact me via discord, but you’ll have to join my discord server to be able to send me a DM as i dont constantly check my friend requests. (go to the game link to find the discord invite link)

Make sure you send pictures of previous work so i know what your experience & quality is.


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