(Hiring) New Development Team looking for Experienced Developers [Long Term Jobs?]

About Us
Hi there! We are currently looking to hire a dev team to create various types of game on roblox. From Adventure games, to action pact games and many other genres in the future. We are looking for possibly long term Developers.
The Team So Far
@Nature-Fall- Back End Scripter/Project Lead Developer
@GandalfReal/Cairnzy - Community Manager
@SkyDoesMinecraft - Scripter
@Unclaimed - Builder
@Unclaimed - Artist
@Unclaimed - Animator
@Unclaimed - Ui Designer

About The Job
The Objective of the game i to survive the infected, take out the infected or take out the humans.
To achieve the goal of survival or infecting the humans. Each player will have the ability to become a character in game with different abilities; ex. A medical who can heal a player, an infected that can jump higher and land further away. Someone who lands with a revolver right away instead of trying to find weapons to defend yourself. The Game itself will have different game modes and randomized maps.
We are looking for a scripter('s) that can handle front end and UI creation as well as abilities for characters. Mainly the core of the game.
Builders that can give us cartoony/low poly maps and lobbies.
Animator that can animate abilities and characters as well as the infected.
Graphic Designer to create clothing and graphics for the game.
At this moment payment is undecided on how much we will be paying each person but we have a general idea. Budget is not an issue; So if you wish to negotiate a price via robux or usd, or bitcoin we will be happy to negotiate if it’s reasonable.
Scripter: $150+
Builder: We are not sure at the moment. We would like to hear your thoughts
Asset Creator/3D Modeler. We are not sure at the moment. We would like to hear your thoughts
Animator: We are not sure at the moment. We would like to hear your thoughts
Graphic Designer: We are not sure at the moment. We would like to hear your thoughts
UI Designer:We are not sure at the moment. We would like to hear your thoughts
Contact Us
Discord: Gandalf [James]#4276

Discord: nature-fall#1834 If Nature does not add you right away feel free to join Discord RBXCity to message him.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:


Add Discord: Gandalf [James]#4276 for instant response most of the time.

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What’s your budgets for the animator position?

So are you writing about game or position? :thinking::sweat_smile:
Also what kind of map you would like to get if I got hired as a builder?

Both, as to understand the game is to understand atleast the basics of the game of what you would be doing, and more of a low poly type builds or cartoon builds about a medium to a large city radius, air ports,malls ect that type of stuff even camp grounds in forest.

As I have said we are not sure exactly for commission base but we have a decent size budget for this game if the budget you suggest is unreasonable we will tell you and try to find another price. Just add me and we can discus more.

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