[HIRING NOW] Knights Legacy | Game Development

Knights Legacy

  • This game is a game has a similar gameplay style of Murder Mystery but has a unique twist to it!
    There’s 4 roles;

Knights: They are the ones who protects the Peasants and the Blacksmith’s. Knights can only stun the wizards, not hurt them. Knights must get the item from the Blacksmiths that the blacksmith have built.

Wizards: They are the ones who wants to destroy the kingdom so their job is to eliminate the Peasants, knights, and Blacksmiths. The wizards can transform into a Knight, peasant, and or Blacksmiths to disguise themselves.

Blacksmiths: They are to gather resources around the map to build a specific item for (a) knight to eliminate the Wizards.

Peasants: They need to hide from the Wizards, must hide behind the knights to be protected. They can distract the wizards if they wanted to!

COSMETICS : I do plan on having customizable cosmetics for Knights, wizards, peasants, and Blacksmiths to give the game for in depths on customization. I want players to express themselves on their character. Custom cosmetics limiteds will play a huge part on this game. I do want to figure out rarities for this game very soon!

Current Job Openings

About The Job

  • We are looking for the best of the best! I need very active developers to get this game done and released! We can talk about percentages and pay in my DM’s! I do want to pay all my developers high amounts. I need perm-developers meaning, developers who plan on developing for this production for a long term to provide updates on the game, events, etc!

N/A - Builder
N/A - Builder
N/A - Programmer/scripter
N/A - UI Designer
N/A - Modeler
N/A - Animator
N/A - Animator

About The Job

We expect good progression, activity, great communication. I will be always checking up and keep ya’ll motivated to get this game out. This game will be making lots of profits from our gamepasses and currency purchases once we get a lot of weapons and cosmetics out!

What the game has been done so far!:

Contact me on my Discord if interested on being hired!

My discord: MegaShot#4683


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