Hiring people to improve & create audio, UI, graphics/visuals, scripting/physics, map builders (Plane Crazy sequal)

I am currently looking for people who could help speed up and improve the development for the sequal of Plane Crazy.

This is not a full time job and can change to what fits you the best.

Deadline/time taken is negotiable per job/task.

you need to show your previous work so i know whether you fit the job or not.

Payment is decided per job/task & what the quality is of the result.
Can range between 10k robux - 500k robux depending on the job.
Price is negotiable.

I need people for these jobs:

  • Improving sound effects & creating new sound effects,

  • Creating music,

  • Improving UI & creating/designing new UI,

  • Visuals & Graphics,

  • Building a new world / map which is compatible with low end devices and good looking for beast pc’s,

  • Builder for roads, airports, ramps loopings and stuff like that. (vehicles need to be able to smoothly drive over it

  • Lighting & Lights,

  • Particle effects creator for improving things like the rocket engine exhaust,

  • Physics engineer (someone who is good at working with physics or creating complex creations like physics for water),

  • Scripter with the experience in optimization for taking some easier tasks that reduces the amount of work for me

Devforum – always active and guaranteed response.
Twitter: @Rickje139
Rickje139#4213 – i suggest you join the plane crazy discord server first, i dont accept friend requests but my chat is open to anyone.


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