Hiring programer for a long term project - [10%]

About Us

Hi there! We are Ultimate Developers, a small upcoming game development team. Our current project is a Demon Slayer game called Slayer’s World. We are currently looking for a skilled programmer that is able to deliver high-quality code.

The Team
@Aligami_Sanoru - UI / Creative Lead
@Clear_View - Scripter
@CuriousFahan - Modeler
@photonavius - Terrain / voluntary programming
@LuaBearyGood - Investor / Game design
@1DeadBoi - Building
We also have a load of commission based developers for all our other needs

You can see our progress so far here:
Game: https://www.roblox.com/games/3977968708/Coming-Soon-Slayers-Rising?refPageId=b7582a31-d2bd-4b80-88a7-a5980d50f00c
Group: https://www.roblox.com/groups/5046712/UltimateDevelopers#!/about

A bit of background our last project slayers rising was making about 400k R$ in pre alpha a week before a hacker ruined the economy and player base. this project is made by the same team and has the same basis as that game except made with a higher quality.

We have a roblox community of around 6000 people.
We have a discord community of around 4000 people.

We are looking for an ACTIVE long term scripter to help push the game towards release and continue to update the game after. You should be able to produce efficient and high quality scripts while working in a fairly large team.

You will be working with both front and back end systems including AI and player vs player interactions (not just combat). For example you may be required to program a training AI / trading system.

the game is days away from completion and release into testing stages at the moment, so you will start seeing the results soon after you begin work

Some ‘sneak peeks’


Slayer's World [AI] [Slayer's Rising Revamp] - YouTube



In return you will receive up to 10% of game profits


Contact us here on the developer forums



If you are not applying, don’t bother disputing payment.

I have worked on many successful projectets in the past, and as stated in the post we as a studio led a project that was making hundreds of thousands of robux a month in early access.

Furthermore you are not the sole scripter, you will be working alongside another programmer + me and @photonavius are both programmers and will be able to offer advice if necessary.

Furthermore as stated the game is days away from testing and all the heavy lifting has already been done for you.

As said if you are not interested, don’t bother me about payment we are not short on applicants and in future I advise you read a post before you start composing about payment.

I am a animator, if you ever need a animator I am up for hire

Unfortunately we have a few commision based animators already, we unfortunately only need programmers at the moment.

Ok then I ask you this.

Would you rather be paid 99% profits on a project with a 99% chance of not making anything.

Or 1% on a project with a 1% chance of not making millions of dollars.

The thing is, you can never be sure your game will be making “hundreds of thousands” of Robux. Do you get what I mean here?

Like @Nerkonl said, you should at least provide some sort of backup payment. Even though you’re not willing to raise the percentage, there’s still no backup payment. 10% of 0 Robux is still 0 Robux.


You just have to roll the dice, if you are familiar with the prospect of risk and reward then you will understand that. Nobody makes money without taking risks.

Furthermore your telling me that in a community with thousands of members it is likely none of them will spend a penny on the game?

You obviously haven’t seen all those other people out there asking for backup payment/higher percentages for scripters. @Nerkonl even posted a link, maybe you should take some of that advice and at the very least add a backup payment option to the post.

Almost every recruitment post I see that doesn’t have a backup payment, I look in the replies and I see that somebody’s asked what the backup payment was.

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I have seen the replies, and I have read steadyon’s post. I even left it a like a few months back I believe.

I am not forcing anyone to spin a wheel, I am not forcing anyone to sign up. But we have applicants and we have people who really want this

Steady on made guidelines, not rules. For example you don’t see adopt me giving out 40% every time they hire a new programmer. These guidelines I mainly believe were aimed at new studios, not 10 member teams with hundreds of thousands of robux in funding.

As I said I’m not forcing anyone to roll the dice, and if you don’t feel this is a role you feel will pay off then don’t take it.

May I just remind you that you are not the sol programmer, you only have a few games of programming to do before testing. I’m not asking you to script an entire game.

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I noticed that this post was just opened a few minutes ago; is the position still open?

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i would like to work with you as a scripter. Discord = Spaceman21074#1387

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Post has now been filled (again) thanks for your applications!

If the position is ever reopened, don’t hesitate to give me a PM, thanks.

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