I’m looking to partner with a skilled programmer and a skilled builder who are interested in working as a partnership to create a well-made game.
As a programmer, you’ll be tasked with developing the scripts of the game. These should be well-made and easily changeable. The gameplay should be smooth and immersive to allow the players to have a unique and enjoyable experience.
Please only apply if you’re a skilled scripter and have past experience.
As a builder, you’ll be tasked with constructing the map and any other buildings that the game would need. These must fit with our game style, which is modern/low poly.
3D Modelling skills are also appreciated in other programs such as Blender.
Similar to the programmer, please only apply if you’re a skilled builder with past experience.
The Game
I have a game plan completely planned out on a website called Trello. You will be given access to this so you can edit it, read it and reference it.
Detailed descriptions of the game will be given later on.
I will be paying you a percentage share of all group revenue. This is because we are partnering up to create a game together. I don’t want someone who leaves after a few weeks. I’m looking for long-term partners who are as determined as me to create a game. Therefore, we all have a common goal, which is to release the game.
Programmer: you will receive between 20-45% of group revenue.
Builder & Modeller: you will receive between 15-40% of group revenue.
- Please ensure you are able to speak good English and have good communication skills
- Only apply if you are active.
- Do not apply if you’re working with other projects or have a busy schedule for other things such as school.
Feel free to contact me on the Devforum but using Discord would be preferred.
My Discord credentials are: MrDogMusic#8946
If you have any questions, send me a message or leave a comment below.
I hope to be working with you soon.
Thank you.