Hiring Programmer for Basically FNF2

About Us

Hello! I am looking for experienced developers who are willing to join my team and work with us on our new game called Basically FNF2! Basically FNF2 is a Single-Player, rhythm, story game! Sequal to the hit game Basically FNF! (Basically FNF2 name is approved by MaplGalaxy the owner of Basically FNF!)

About The Job

We are looking scripters to join our team. We expect high quality work. Good communication skills are appreciated; we check team progress daily and want to maintain a healthy relationship with one another.


Our preferred payment method is % of the games revanue. The games budget right now is 200k robux but that can change in future because we are also trying to find investors.

Contact Us

You can contact me on discord: adriatika5454#0550
Twitter: @Adria_5454
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

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