Hello there! Interested in helping me make a Story Game, here is somethings that me & other developers have made in the game so far…
We have added a tons of our creations and put them together so the game can go perfectly,
@OpposedArc has developed a game called “Hawaii Story” he has created & developed the bus for there vacation to Hawaii.
@Guitar_Rocker12 is the Developer/Scripter of Hawaii Story he has made the dialog and mad the story come to life, in a thanks to @Ponchokings by teaching him to script stuff in order.
I am in need for a few more helpers for my project and it will contain:
- 1 Builder
-1 Scripter
1- Composer
#TheTeam The team of the story game is gonna be by SailBlox Games, created by me.
Here are some images of our work so far…
Questions & Ideas If you have any ideas or questions to help make the game better, please comment in the topic below.
Name of the game The name of our game is called The Book Story more information will be in another topic section soon.
If you wanna help out please reply to the topic below, or dm me on Twitter.com
→ https:twitter.com/ZombieYt_Playz
Thanks and have a great day everyone!