[Hiring] Scripter For Halloween Clicker Sim

About The Job

I am looking for a scripter who can script a full clicker game in 9 days. I already finished build and I am on my way to finishing ui. It would have a Pet System, and Rebirth System and everything that your average clicker sim has.


You will get 5-10k Robux when you finish scripting the game.

Contact Me

You can contact me on discord Equi#7868
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Just letting you know NO ONE IS GOING TO DO THIS. Because if i was to script a full game in 9 days i would be selling the code alone for 250k. 5k-10k Robux is not worth it at all GL tho.


Please contact me via discord: Bruh123#9999

If the game is not too complex i may take your offer however i will ask for a higher pay then 10K

Either add my user (Bruh123#9999) or resend your user

Hello! I am interested. I sent you a friend request on discord but hmmm. Doesn’t seem to work. My discord is iiKanameii#0300

Fixed as I changed my username xD

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