[HIRING] Scripter Needed


About Us

Greetings! I am Trip, I have a group based around a space fleet/space combat. We have a game, and two in development, and we require a new flight system to replace our current, outdated system. We are a small team of close devs, who are looking for a professional scripter.

The Team
@MalcolmEstrayes - Head Dev/Builder
@WilliamEstrayes - Builder

About The Job

I am looking for a professional scripter to script an advanced dogfighting/flight system for my group.

What I need Scripted:

  1. Engine On/Off (with sounds and lighting for each setting)
  2. Canopy Slide Open/Close
  3. Landing Gear Up/Down
  4. Maneuvering RCS Thrusters (Up/Down/Left/Right) (Pictures/Video of this upon contact)
  5. Toggleable Roll/Pitch/Yaw or Mouse Control
  6. Weapons (Ballistic and Missiles)
  7. Destruction based on percentage of hull integrity
  8. Ejection Seat
  9. Customizable via Fighter Model (For Example: Fighter A can have Missiles and Ballistic Turrets, Fighter B only has Missiles.)


I am prepared to offer you USD via PayPal. I will provide further details upon contact. Price is negotiable upon contact as well.

Contact Us

You may contact me via Discord, I will accept your friend request as soon as possible.
My Discord User/Tag: Trip#5021
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks, to everyone who read this. Have a great day/night/morning.

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