We are currently looking for scripters! Builder applications are closed.
Precarious Island’s lobby is currently in EARLY DEMO phase.
Precarious Island is currently in EXTREMELY EARLY DEMO phase.
(I have made both of these by myself)
Scripter presentation:
Builder presentation:
(These don’t require a download, by the way. If some questions are too personal like the birthdate, just let me know if you’re 13 and over or not! We prefer 13 and over but it’s negotiable. Email is just there to remove trolls and we don’t care about what you put in, but it’s best if it’s accurate.)
Before entering the applications, fully read the presentations!
Scripter application:
Google Forms: Sign-in OPEN
Builder application:
Google Forms: Sign-in CLOSED
(If you’re having an issue with the applications, tell me!)
Keep in mind we currently have a limited budget (we eventually won’t from investments, don’t worry!)
(lead) @4581quzwi
(lead) @xNINJAKILL33Rx
(lead) @TML_Jester
@Zxxena 12250 (before tax) shout out to her for wanting to originally donate it and just straight up being kind as hell, like when I made VIP for the game cost 1 Robux so she could buy it for near free, she bought it, I put the price back, and she bought the full price just to be nice, or when I met her I did an animation comission for her and she paid me extremely generously, haha, appreciate it <3
@SimpCollection - 1428 (before tax)
@DictatorWashington - 1000 (before tax)
@GeneralVonRobloxian - N/A
If you have any feedback on my presentations or applications, well, go ahead! We currently have a pretty small budget of 8857 (will increase soon) so bear with me!
This is for an early part of Precarious Island’s development. Eventually we will get highly trusted and professional developers.