Hiring Scripters Paying W PayPal!

Hello, I got by Victor but you can call me Viktor. I’m the future owner of a Jujutsu Kaisen Game called Ro Curse and I’m planning to release later into the year.

Me and my team of experienced moderators are urgently trying to find some well-informed and experienced scripters for my future game named Ro Curse. This game’s topic is about the well known anime named “Jujutsu Kaisen”.

We need you:
If you have any experience scripting and you’re interested in the game that we’re working on you can read below to have some more insight into what you might need to successfully get accepted into the team. Below, there’s an accurate list of continuous tasks that will be expected to be completed and basic skills that you need for your application to be acknowledged.

What we expect:
The main and most important requirements to apply as a scripter for Ro Curse, our game, are:

  • A positive attitude towards being instructed on what to do (you can obviously add your own suggestions but we have a definitive idea in mind of how we want the game to look)
  • Tell us if something is beyond your skills instead of pretending please
  • Must be able to work with others in your department or team efficiently and positively
  • Must be able to maintain a certain level of interest, professionalism and grammar when communicating with everyone
  • Must be able to script the main concepts of the game such as combat, special attacks, and basic functions (walk, run, jump etc.)

Other important things that you will need to know and be able to do are:

  • Have a basic understanding of the Anime/Manga that we’re working on and the terms that come along with it (e.g. ‘domain expansion’ or ‘cursed energy’)

If you’d like to work with us you can find our contact details down below:
Contact Information:
DM me personally on discord with Vik#0883 or our Head Executive kiim#4592
email us at raionobi@gmail.com

Thank you for the time you took in reading this post.

Kind regards, Victor :grin:

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