Hiring Scripters

About Us

Hi there! We are Snaixo, a small hotel group.

The Team
@teddyHV11 - Head Developer
@ShidSki - Builder
@epicrobloxmaster22 - Builder
@SN4_Glit3h - Builder

You can see our progress so far here: Snaixo Hotel - Roblox

About The Job

We are looking for a scripter who is willing to help us with our Hotel, Training Center and Interview Center.


We are paying up to 20% from our earnings,

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or trough Discord: teddyHV11#0001
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Is there a backup payment in the case of a failure?

You will be paid in case the game fails. But we can’t guarantee that it will be a lot.

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