Hiring Scripters/Programmers

Hiring Scripters/Programmers!

About The Job

I am looking for Experienced Lua Programmers to assist in the development of a Survival Game such as Subnautica (But on land). You will work alongside me and hopefully another programmer for a total of 3 Team Members. This game will be published on a new group with no existing members, posts. clothing, etc.


  • You are expected to work 5 out of 7 days each week
  • You are expected to keep all work private until the team decides to reveal the project
  • You are expected to respect Me, and any other team members
  • You are expected to put your best into your work
  • You are expected to maintain a level of maturity and become an example rather than a problem


Payment will be started off in percentage but can vary from the amount of work you put in. Percentage Payments will go as follows:

Scripter 1- 31%
Scripter 2- 31%
Me: - 30%
Remaining proceeds will be kept in the group.

In the case that only one scripter is available, the proceeds will be split 42/42. The remaining funds will be kept in the group. In the event that the game does not succeed in my interests, a 20-40K Robux Emergency Fund will be put into place.

Extra Information:

The style of this game will be realistic, using Roblox’s materials and terrain. We will not be using any textures. I am hoping to get development started within the next week, I need programmers ASAP.


Reply to this post.
Shoot me a friend request on Discord: Zilas#3057
Send me a DM on Twitter: here
Send me an Email: zilasbusiness@gmail.com
Or even for the heck of it, Send me a message on Roblox: here

Pardon? What do you mean by 98%? 31+31+30 = 81%

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First of 31+31+30 is not 81 :joy: it is 92. I am sure he meant the remaning of 92% will be kept within the group funds.

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The math error is my fault, and i guess that’s what he meant.

:confused: I hate math sometimes…Just Saying.

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