Hiring skilled modeler to teach/mentor my friend [ FILLED ]

Hello fellow lovely Robloxians

I am looking for someone who is at a decent skill level to teach my friend who has just started not too long ago (3 days) on how to correctly use blender.

For compensation, I will willing to shell out 2,500 Robux for the basics of blender, and additional payments for more advance lessons if required.
The lesson will be done through discord.

If you are interested in this job please contact me on discord @: vaheruslee#0001

P.S: Please provide some examples of your work. Thank you :kissing_heart:


Hello I would love to help you! My discord A1.2trappy#4996

I would love to teach your friend i sent a friend request on discord: TheBlackGOD#9843. I have almost 2 years of modelling experience

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