[HIRING] Someone to make a community Application Center

About The Job

We are looking for a good scripter, that can script an Application center. I will support the GUI. The thing with this Application Center, is that people can create applications from the game, send responses to an application, etc.
Basically, they type in their questions, press the create Application Button, and they get kicked from the game. In the kick message, it gives them their application code. Now people can go to Send Response, and type in this code, and send responses to the application. If you send a response to an application, you get kicked with a code that starts with an r. (eg. r39fcs). This is an example. Application Services - Roblox

Our game needs to be completed by January 20th. Maybe by February 1st.


We are paying with a $40 Roblox Giftcard. If you think thats too much/too little, let me lnow.

Contact Us

You can contact us on Discord. My username is PirateDevz#6250.
You must be 13 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

I interested in this job. I added you on discord my username is Paciferous10 on discord.

I am interested. I have sent you a request (kees31#8620).

I am interested in helping you. My discord is Yitandrew257#1555. Feel free to message me.

I get what your asking but 40 USD ROBLOX GiftCard is WAY too low. You’re also asking for the wrong kind of scripter, this is advanced scripting.
You could technically use datastore to store this info, but the game would need a way to generate Datastore and to generate a secure key for the user to use however the data would need to be stored using OrderedDataStore and this would basically just be a global leaderboard.

It’s not the easiest thing to do.

You’d also need a way to store applications and match them up with a certain key/code. Datastore keys aren’t supposed to be the same each time meaning you’d need 5 different keys for 5 different applications making this system near impossible to create without a Web Developer using databases hosted on their own proxies, etc.

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