Hiring someone to make GFX Icon for my group

About Us

Hihi developers! My name is NotAid_n and I own Dayron Grill, a roleplay group where you work at a fine eating establishment! We are a growing group so don’t hate us too much :hamburger:


The Team
I am the only developer, I do all my development from scratch however I don’t know much about GFX/digital art.

About The Job

I am looking for someone to make GFX of my avatar, Corgi Hotdog that says “Dayron Grill”.

Example of what I want:
Something like this groups icon, I can provide food models.



Will negotiate payment over DMs, don’t say something ridiculous like 10k, I’m not overpaying.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at:

Hotdog Corgi#3481 (Friend me)

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Me waiting for people to friend on discord or message: :face_with_monocle: :sweat:

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