About Us
Hello, We are Parnaz Studios!
We focus on creating the best Roblox games out there!
The Team @Theduedcow - Owner and scripter @darieus - Co - Owner and scripter @geniousrobloxianlol - Builder
Nebula - Builder
Ja_Xs - Scripter
Arcypt - Modeller @AllGoodNamesRGone243 - Scripter @OBCMAKEGAME - Animator @Infernx0 - UI Design
About The Jobs
We are looking for a professional team of developers to make a story game, which is our main focus currently. The story game will be professional, and will be a horror game, like no other story game on Roblox! We aim to hit the front page as quick as possible.
Please be expected to show proof of work.
Jobs we are hiring:
Animaters x2
Modellers x2
UI designers x3
Please be prepared to work on this project, if you decide to, please be active, and show a positive attitude, our story game have: a camp guided, a kid NPC, animated dialog, random player image, horror, random player, NPC image, obby’s and I hope the horror will be good!
We are paying % of what the game earns, in Robux…
Contact Us
You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or on Discord
at: Theduedcow#3095
You must be 13 years or older to apply.
Thanks for reading! and we hope to see you applying!