Trail/Death Effects artist needed
Hey everyone, currently I’m working on a game where we plan to introduce some sort of lootbox system, one of our current features would be to introduce trails and death animations, these do not have to be complicated and I’ve already started working on some of the trails additionally, I’m just currently out here grabbing our members who are more experienced in the field to boost the overall quality of what we plan to offer! Trails do not have to be overly complicated, however as long as they look good we’re fine with it! Same with Death Animations, Instead of just default resetting, probably someone would end up flying if they reset, explode, etc…
Payment, I’m paying in Robux and we can discuss the price on Discord Spy388#1191 regarding how many assets you’re willing to create and how long you’ll be able to get them done, I’m more than willing to negotiate!
Thank you for taking a read, hope to hear from some of you soon!