Hiring Voice Actors "Must be 16+"

About Me:

Hello I’m Owen aka Oj, I’ve been a developer on roblox since 2013 and I’m looking for voice actors for my next big project. It’s a horror game that I can’t do a lot of explaining to the public but it’s really good.

The group I’ll be hosting it in is Spiteful Studios:
Join our group even if you’re just a fan we welcome all to join and watch us succeed!

What We’re Looking For:

I am looking for voice actors both male and female that can do natural tones.

You need to have gone through puberty, You need to show emotion in your lines, and You have to stay active.

Mic Requirements:
Clean Audio and NO POTATO mics please. We can’t have hardcore fuzz or your voice fading in and out in the lines.

To try out give me a line to Introduce yourself and I will have a listen to your voice and then we’ll give you a list of characters to pick from.

Spots left and what we need:


I don’t think we’ll need anymore male voice actors. You can still apply though because I’m not fully sure.


I need 3 more female voice actors. If you’re okay with my pricing shoot me a dm asap!

More Info:

The list of Males and Females will change to more later on. This list is to get the game started with the current story.

Release Info:

Release date: Unknown


I am willing to pay 20 Robux per word through group funds.


@ojbaby - Music - Building - Map Design - Animations - Directing - Writing
@Ice_Bearz - Coding
@seansy - UI Art - Thumbnail Art - Badge Art - Icon Art - Gamepass Art

Contact Info:

If you’re interested please contact me in dms or Via Discord: Ojbaby#7739!


Dm me and we’ll see if you qualify

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Are there any specifics on the type of game and amount of lines?


Mind giving us a bit more in the way of types of voices & accents
(i.e. Irish, Russian, Australian, Argentinan)
Also, what the project is about?

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I don’t really choose an accent style I just see how well they do the acting and if it’s suitable I’ll hire.

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Horror game and a lot of robux are going into this project in 2020. Please note that no work will be done till then. I’m still writing the story so it’ll take some time.

Why is the requirement for this 16+? If someone has a mature voice that sounds enough like an adult, is that good?

Also will there be a contract or sorts legally binding this, as if there is, I have no objection with this requirement.


Pretty much, if you’ve gone through puberty you might make the cut. We give you payment for the voice lines during development of the game. I have to find a coder first, then I can start accepting voice lines. I have to be able to fund everything so that’s why we won’t do much till 3 months from now.

16+ is an odd choice for a horror game. I would’ve thought having a prepubescent voice cast would make the game much more terrifying.

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I suggest Fiverr, bigger talent pool for voice acting.


Would also suggest voice123.com , although both options can be considerably pricey (and around $40 extra for a commerical license). You get what you pay for though, I wouldn’t expect to get any acceptable level of quality from hiring voice actors on ROBLOX, except for the very odd few that have practiced voices and a high quality recording setup.

For less professional projects you can also use Newgrounds: Collabinate

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I mean I want someone who has gone through puberty nothing too fancy.

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