For some context, this weapon uses ClientCast, a hitbox module, although it’s not the fault of the module this is happening.
Basically what should happen is that it begins drawing rays upon clicking, which it does however the problem is the way I wrote the script will override the hitbox if you click in succession, this is pretty awkward to describe in words so I will show a video:
as you can see the rays cut themselves off, here is the block of code
Hitbox.HumanoidCollided:Connect(function(result, hit)
local enemyhum = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if enemyhum == nil or enemyhum.Parent == Character or enemyhum.Health <= 0 then return end
if Debounce[hit] then return end
Debounce[hit] = true
--SoundModule.PlaySound(Sounds.Hit, Blade)
Debounce[hit] = false
--if Hitbox == nil then return end
I’m quite sure the issue takes place toward the bottom, the part where it starts to draw and then stop the rays after a timer, however the timer bleeds into the next click and cuts the next hitbox off early.
A solution that does work but is very unsatisfactory is making the hitbox timer less than the time between slashes