Hockey Controls

Game Link: 3 on 3 Hockey - Roblox

– Skater Controls

Hold down left click or left trigger with the puck to charge for a shot
Release left click or left trigger with the puck to shoot
Power on shots determine speed and all shots over 50% power will gain height

Hold down left click or left trigger without the puck to charge a hit
Release left click or left trigger without the puck to hit in the direction of your mouse
Tap left click or left trigger without the puck to extend your stick for a poke check in the direction of your mouse

Press Q to do a quick shove

Hold Z or the B button to wind up for a slap shot, when the puck is under you release to shoot
Hold S when releasing Z to do a low slapshot
Press X or down on the Dpad when winding to quick cancel slapshots

Press E without the puck to tip the puck low

Press R without the puck to tip the puck high
Press R with the puck to do quick dangles

Double tap W or press down the right thumb stick to use stamina
The bar on the bottom right is your stamina

Press F and G to put the puck on your forehand or backhand.

Hold X,C, or V to enter blocking stances, release to stop.
Alternative to these are left, down, and right on the Dpad

Press left shift or the right thumbstick to toggle shift lock

Press T when the red bar under your stamina is 75% filled to initiate a fight
W when fighting to punch
D when fighting to uppercut
S when fighting to duck/dodge

– Goalie Controls

When in net, press W,A,S,D,Q,E,Z, X to do animations
When your goalie has their pads on the ground, it is referred to as butterfly

Press R and F when in butterfly to cover the puck.
Press C when in butterfly to poke check the puck
Press R when standing to play the puck, return to the crease and press R again to return to net.

Move your mouse on the GUI to move your goalie, where your mouse is on the UI is where you goalie will be in-game.

– Game Commands

start game - Starts a new game if one currently isn’t started
rp - Cast your vote to reset the play, 2/3 of the server needs to vote to reset play.
rs - Cast your vote to reset score (if there is no game present) 2/3 of the server needs to vote to reset score.

– Settings Commands

Say “swh” or “sh” or “switch hands” to switch from Right handed to Left handed as a skater.

– Goalie Commands

homeg/me - Sets you as the goalie for the home team (if you’re on the home team) at the end of the next play
awayg/me - Sets you as the goalie for the away team (if you’re on the away team) at the end of the next play
reset hg - Resets the home net at the end of the next play
reset ag - Resets the away net at the end of the next play

– Penalties

Press H to view the hit logs
All hits that are white are clean checks
Hits that are red are penalties and will result in a penalty if the game is started

A hit that is 40 studs or more is a roughing penalty
A hit that is 25 studs or more from the puck is interference
All pens require 50% or more power to be a penalty.