Holding gun animation not rotating with torso when Waist is rotated

I have a gun animation that simply just raises the hand forward, it works fine except when it interacts with my over-the-shoulder camera that rotates the character’s Waist Motor6D to rotate the torso such that it faces the camera direction.

It’ll basically remain in the same position and not rotate with it and sometimes also weirdly jitters, any idea why I can fix this?

The animation’s priority is Idle, it just has keyframes for the arm, and I tried it with and without keyframes for both the lower and upper torso, but that changed nothing.

Is the C0 or C1 of the right upper arm being changed?

It seems odd since it should only be the waist that is moving.

Otherwise try investigating using a .Stepped loop the .Transform or .C0 .C1 of the upper arm.

Ideally it should be a constant value in order to rotate along with the torso.

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Roblox’s recent animation update broke how the arm behaves when you change it’s C0 value. Currently i haven’t found a fix for this.

You should try to use Transform.

I am basically doing the following inside of a BindToRenderStep, whose priority is more than the camera’s

upperTorso.Waist.C0 = CFrame.new(upperTorso.Waist.C0.Position) * CFrame.Angles(self.VerticalAngle, 0, 0)

The the right arm’s shoulder’s C0’s rotation is always 0.

I have tried also rotating the arm, there was no difference somehow, basically same thing as in the original video

upperTorso.Waist.C0 = CFrame.new(upperTorso.Waist.C0.Position) * CFrame.Angles(self.VerticalAngle, 0, 0)
rightUpperArm.RightShoulder.C0 = CFrame.new(rightUpperArm.RightShoulder.C0.Position) * CFrame.Angles(self.VerticalAngle, 0, 0)

I have looked into .Transform after you and @ignite_rock mentioned it, but after substituting C0 with it, nothing changed, not sure I understand how the property is used.

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I see perhaps try using .Stepped instead might be the task scheduler and the order in which C0 is applied maybe.