Hole in torso but you can see shirt too

I have zero idea how they did it, props to them. I’m sorry but I do not have the knowledge yet to do this.

this is really sad i wish i knew how to do it

This can only be made in blender since it also needs to be textured. Just imagine the torso is a donut on it’s side. It gets textured inside too.

i think i know how they made these they actually use blender like they take the player torso mesh and put it in blender then simply cut a hole in then they import it in roblox which then if they want the player having a hole in their character it will change the torso mesh to the torso hole mesh

the reason this will work on T shirt is the torso mesh actually has a UV unwrapping mostly called as atlas as i think, thats the reason why shirt template look a bit messy so they can be imported into the mesh. its difficult to describe as how UV unwrapping/atlas work but its easy to learn it.


it might be that the torso had the hole already and they just filled it with a part and then remove the filled part to make it look like it has a hole?

They might have had a viewport frame surface GUI that showed what was in front of it like a camera and monitor.

thats possible but it would be very laggy i suppose?

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ill try that thank you sir for you’r help

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I found out how to do it, so you set the Torso transparency to 0.001 and set an invisible GLASS material cylinder transparency to 0.9999 and position it and shape it into it. To hide the errors add that Gore mesh they have


Hey bud, sorry for replying again. But Im new to dev forum so i just want you to know about my findings not sure if it notify you from my previous message


What about R6? I made like you said and it didn’t apply. R6 have not mesh, it’s part. Can you give me advice how i can make part with hole without turn it in union or mesh? (Sorry for my english=) )

What I do on my gore system is:
> Set the limb transparency to 1
> Clone the gib
> Set the gib’s cframe to the limb cframe by using gib:PivotTo(limb.CFrame)
> Create a weld constraint, set its Part0 to the gib and its Part1 to the limb, then parent it to the gib
> Change the gib’s color to the limb color (gib.Color = limb.Color)
> If the character has clothing, create a decal, set the decal’s texture to the clothing texture (shirt.ShirtTemplate/pants.PantsTemplate) and parent it to the gib. Be aware that you’ll need to convert the gib to a specialmesh if you want it to show transparency, if you don’t want it to show transparency, use MeshPart.TextureID instead of creating a decal

Example code:

limb.Transparency = 1

local gib = gibBase:Clone()
gib.Color = limb.Color

local weld = Instance.new("WeldConstraint")
weld.Part0 = gib
weld.Part1 = limb
weld.Parent = gib

local clothing
if limb.Name == "Torso" or string.find(limb.Name, "Arm") then
	clothing = limb.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Shirt")
elseif string.find(limb.Name, "Leg") then
	clothing = limb.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass("Pants")

if clothing then
	local texture = Instance.new("Decal")
	texture.Texture = clothing[clothing.ClassName .. "Template"]
	texture.Color3 = clothing.Color3
	texture.Parent = gib

	-- do this instead if you're using a meshpart instead of a specialmesh for the gib:
	gib.TextureID = clothing[clothing.ClassName .. "Template"]

gib.Parent = limb

I hope this helped you ^^

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legit not what i wanted and you should use Weld instead ¯_(ツ)_/¯