Holes in unions have invisible walls

Primarily being a scripter, I’m not really sure how to do this, but I was wondering, how can I makeit so my players can go through my Union’s holes?



I suggest using meshes, or if you are using it for something simple, such as a doorway, use multiple parts.


OK, thanks! Is there a way to fix the union glitch?

I believe if you disable collision, but then there would be no collision in total, which would be pointless.

OK, thanks! I’ll use multiple parts

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Personally, the only reason I use unions is to create simple things such as cups, or like a toaster. Basically small household items and what not that will require some sort of hole in them. I do not rely on unions for big things such has cave entrances, or doors.

So as @L7_M said if your needing something with a hole in it that is meant for a player to walk through, you should make a mesh for it.

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Thanks! This helps! :slight_smile:

You can Union the same BasePart multiple times to get a more precise Collision Box but keep in mind that it comes with a price

I found a solution to the problem. Enabling the following settings removes invisible collision boxes. This is because when you put it on this setting, it forces roblox to process the collisions with more detail.


  1. RenderFidelity to Precise
  2. CollisionFidelity to PreciseConvexDecomposition

These changes will remove issues with collision boxes since roblox will compute the collision boxes with more detail.