As the creator of the already popular game Dinosaur World Mobile , I have been working on Holocene Mobile for the past two months, a game which allows you to play as land, sea and air animals that lived during the Holocene Epoch (11,000 years ago - present day). As with all of my games, all building, 3D Modelling, animating, etc is done by me, I only have help for some scripts.
I have also been uploading demos for each creature on my youtube channel (Not sure if Im allowed to post a link to that here) showcasing the movements of each creature.
It was only two weeks ago that I learnt how to texture in Blender, which really changed the way that I was able to create a more detailed game while still meeting the limits of optimisation for mobile.This first started with the trees.
Eventually, I was able to change the already existing vertex painted animals to have textures, which really started to change how the game appeared. Here is a comparison with the minke whale and the eagle.
The main aim with this game is to keep a balanced ecosystem by having animals with either high speed or high health able to protect themselves from the predators. The creatures you can play as are also limited in where they can spawn, for example the orca or shark cannot spawn in the river, the harpy eagle cannot spawn in the mountains. This helps to create a more realistic environment for the creature. In this example of balancing the ecosystem, we have the slower but powerful alligator gar versus the more agile but weaker trout.
A similar case can be seen with the caracal vs the sheep.
To conclude, I hope you all enjoy the concept of the game, which will be releasing soon. I would be happy to know any suggestions you may have, both for animals or features.