Holographic Map of Star Wars Base

Wow. Can’t wait to see what it’ll look like with this. Maybe you could use this for some kind of mini-map, like pressing M turns you to a view of the map room which you can view the map and everything on it with.


wow, that, is, so, CUTE


hey thats pretty good


Glad you like it! :grinning:

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Status Update:

[LOG 1/14/18 8:21 PM EST] : I am about to venture into the unknown. It is time I attempt an even more detailed map of 128x resolution. If I do not return, please remember me.


This may help you minimize wait time: https://devforum.roblox.com/t/task-scheduler-control-performance-hits-from-intensive-operations/21780

Gameplay-wise I think the 2nd screenshot (4x) looks the best. Past that, it looks really congested.


Yeah I agree. Right now I’m just trying to see how detailed I can get it without destroying my computer.

Either way, the map is generated on command line. Generating this kind of map is not a good idea for an actual server.

I generate it and then just use it as a static object that can be used.


Awesome! :smiley:

Very nice. Looks cool :sunglasses:

The Roblox rendering system does not currently do any kind of zone/portal culling, so someone who is outside the command room but is aiming their camera at the command room, may still end up with the mesh putting load on the graphics card. If you want to avoid that, you could detect the rank of the local player, and locally hide the object when the rank is too low. (Perhaps you already do this?)

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That’s pretty nifty!

How exactly did you figure out the height points across the map? Was it via topdown raycasting, the more detail the more raycasts?


Looks good. :+1:

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Yeah I could totally do that. Thanks for the input!

Side note though; when working with the very laggy 32x resolution map, if you look away from the map you will lag considerably less.

Top down raycasting.

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Yeah, I like this. The 4x one is the best in my opinion; you may not want to go higher. Simplistic design is all it takes, since the map outline at 4x is already sufficient enough to determine the way the map looks. All that’s left is them red pins for player locations. :slight_smile:

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I’ve always had an interest in holograms & star wars. I don’t think I’ve seen anything like this in Roblox before, good job!

It’s always great to see a creation from the Star Wars genre side of groups every once in a while. But anyway, great work!

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preety cool :slight_smile: i wonder how you made this…

Always a pleasure to meet a Jedi…

But seriously this is an interesting idea. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Awesome work!
Really curious to learn more about what’s going on behind the scenes :slight_smile: