Home button on 404 page opens broken home page

In Roblox mobile app if you get the 404 page (easiest way is to click a banned account) and you press “Home” on the 404 page, it will open a broken home page which has some things missing. The missing things are:

  • Profile picture
  • Add friends button
  • Top bar with the icons search, Robux and notifications
  • The navigation bar

Also it still shows you being in “Messages” in my case.

I have a video about this bug below this. Don’t care about the message, I sent it to a scambot when I was younger and got scared because someone said Windows November 2018 update can delete your files.

The video

I use an Android phone (Samsung Galaxy A50 with the latest system updates to be specific).

This bug occurs 100% of the time when you click “Home” on the 404 page in the Roblox mobile app.
The repro steps are easy as well, just click “Home” on 404 page in the mobile app.

I don’t know when this started happening, discovered this randomly when browsing Roblox on my phone.

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Have you tried uninstalling and re-installing roblox again,?

I have tried, this seems to be a bug in Roblox mobile app.