Home button with Roblox logo is not clearly hinted as being a button

I have only now recently noticed that there is a small Roblox icon that will bring you to the home page. I never noticed this before because i thought it was some sort of new website design/watermark.

It is not too obvious of the fact that it will be able to bring you to the home page on click, and it is not obvious that you could click it at all.

Maybe make the button bigger, or possibly change it to say “Home” as that would be a bit more implying that it brings you to the home page.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would help new players on navigating the site of Roblox. Have a great day.


I don’t really think that this is an issue and would just make the site look ugly. Any site you visit it’s pretty obvious there’s a home button in the top left or on the top bar with the logo of the company. Anyone who has navigated websites before should know what all the logos in the top left are and just know that’s the home button. Here’s a few examples of popular websites:



I personally think It’s fine if someone doesn’t know how to go home they can either use a link or click the three lines and use the drop down. How ever in my opinion I believe there should be an alt tag for when you hover over it, it says “Home” or something like that.

Side menu:

Edit: @popeeyy brings up a good point a lot of companies do this. I’ve noticed this for eBay, Amazon, Reddit, Mattel, etc.