Home page sort for games recently liked by friends

As a Roblox user, it is currently too hard to discover interesting new games that my friends like, or to let my friends know when I’ve found something worth checking out.

Sometimes I go hunting for strange or undiscovered games which can lead me to playing upwards of 30 different games in a night - most of them pretty bad. However, occasionally I find something interesting in the mess and I want to let any of my interested friends know, but it’s a hassle to send them a message when they may not care to check it out at the time they see my message. This also results in me flooding my friends’ Friend Activity sort with a whole bunch of garbage, making their discovery of any hidden gems I find impossible.

Similarly, when I’m in the mood to go looking for new games, it would be convenient for me if I could check out cool games my friends have already recently found.

To solve this problem, I think it would be convenient if a new sort was added to the Home page on Roblox that shows me games me and my friends have recently liked. This sort would promote discovery of games that may otherwise be completely invisible and under-the-radar, and would allow players to spread cool games to their friends without having to explicitly tell them about them.

Alternatively as suggested below by EchoReaper, a better idea may be to redesign the Friend Activity sort to reflect recently liked games by friends instead. It may also be useful to combine a sort of these games with games with >0 players playing that my friends have recently played; this would help remove my developer friends’ non-game test places from the sort while preserving actual games.


There are already a lot of sorts on the home page. It would probably be less spammy if it was an improvement on the existing Friends Playing sort where instead of showing what they played, it shows what they liked – it can continue to show games that currently have your friends in them, however.