Hey so, I am developing a little project and this time around I have decide to not use any framework such as Aero because I want my code to be portable and not dependant on a Framework, code developed in Aero for the most part needs to have Aero to run, so …
On of my favorite things about Aero was the module loader, being able to call things without requiring manually them in every single script. So … (again)
Does anyone have a simple module loading module that i can look at for this purpose?
If you don’t want them to call them manually then store them in _G (which is highly unrecommended for security reasons) or have a single module that acts as a proxy towards using the other modules that you want, and require all the modules in that proxy module.
yeah thats actually what I was asking for someone to show me an example of.
A single module that I can require and call other modules within it easily, similar to how Nevermore works, but without all the stuff that Nevermore comes with.
Wondering if anyone has something like that I can look at?
I made a simple one that just gets all the module scripts from certain locations and stored them in a dictionary, then I require it by name, here are the modules:
--Import module:
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local ModuleLoader = require(script.ModuleLoader)
if RunService:IsServer() then
return ModuleLoader.New({
elseif RunService:IsClient() then
return ModuleLoader.New({
assert("Unknown environment")
And the module loader class:
local ModuleLoader = {}
ModuleLoader.__index = ModuleLoader
function ModuleLoader.New(FolderArray)
local self = setmetatable({
_FolderArray = FolderArray,
_NameToModuleMap = {}
return self
function ModuleLoader:_CreateNameToModuleMap()
for _, Folder in ipairs(self._FolderArray) do
for _, Descendant in ipairs(Folder:GetDescendants()) do
if Descendant:IsA("ModuleScript") then
assert(self._NameToModuleMap[Descendant.Name] == nil, "More than one module script is using the name : " .. Descendant.Name)
self._NameToModuleMap[Descendant.Name] = Descendant
function ModuleLoader:__call(Name)
assert(self._NameToModuleMap[Name], "Invalid module script name : " .. Name)
return require(self._NameToModuleMap[Name])
return ModuleLoader
There is also a check to ensure that you don’t have two module scripts with same name. To use it would just do:
local Import = require(--path to the import module)
local SomeModule = Import("SomeModule")--Name of module in string
It works perfectly for me so far, and I love it since I’m always changing the folders where my modules are located, for organisational purposes, and saves me the pain of having to update the path every time.