Homestore - Portfolio worthy?

Name: Homestore
Creator: @THULiCORE

Link: Homestore - Roblox


Portfolio worthy?
  • YEAAA!
  • Maybe…
  • Nah

0 voters


Absolutely! I love the design! I would DEFINITELY like to hear about its progress. Good job.


sheesh nice design!!! btw good job looks so clean


I would definitely shop in it, looks great! Keep up the good work.

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Nah I agree with KonekoKitten, he was right about TalentHub being the king. Lots of ignored applications, and lack of details to be hired is just great. I like how’s there’s favortism towards verified and unverified. I think homestore its not worthy and a bad idea in my opinion. Its only good for profit and not portfolio

You have a massive talent at building. Keep it up! :smiley:

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I like glass.

I like buildings with glass in them.

I switched to Windows 11 because they had glass.

However, this is too much glass.

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I personally wouldn’t put this on my portfolio due to how much spam there is. It makes it appear unoptimized.

@LandnBlu I don’t see what’s so disrespectful about that. They just said that it’s a bad idea to have it on a portfolio. They did say it’s good to sell it though, so it’s not all bad.


Put actual clothing on the characters, then it would be good for your portfolio.

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The only problem is the roof. Make it more layered

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I think the build is great and showcases your talent, but some people looking at your portfolio may feel like it’s a bit empty in some places. Please correct me if this is how homestores are meant to look.

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Most homestores actually appear emptier, I could probably put some trees around it to ease this effect

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Geez, that’s rude. They put in a lot of work. Show some respect.


I guess so, though the part about the Talent Hub was so unrelated :rofl:

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No I can say whatever opinion I want anyways, more profit less developer hours. WE lie we cheat we steal we survive, even @Onebeets agree with me, most people are also maybe includingg the owner so they’re unsure

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I can hardly understand you but sure, whatever.

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you have massive talent in building. amazing too amazing. very portfoilo worthy