Honai Public Handbook

:chopsticks: Introduction

Discover a new appreciation for Japanese BBQ at Honai, where premium cuts of meat are seared to perfection over traditional charcoal grills. Have the freedom to take control and master the techniques behind achieving the perfect sear. Or for those who prefer to sit back, indulge in the charred goodness of perfectly grilled meat. Either way, Honai offers more than a meal; its remarkable service and inviting atmosphere make for an unforgettable experience.

With that in mind, this handbook has been created for those looking to get the most out of their experience. From the basic standards we set forth in our Code of Conduct to the training times outlined in Session Information, we hope you are able to find what you’re looking for.

:open_book: Contents

Code of Conduct

We are personally responsible for the way we conduct ourselves, and so, our Code of Conduct sets basic standards that all users must hold themselves accountable for. In doing so, we can maintain the positive environment we strive for within our games. Our Code means more than just simply following policies; it is a framework for making the right choices. Whether you’re new to Honai or have been with us for some time, we encourage you to familiarise yourself with our Code and its relevance to you.

Code of Conduct

  • Roblox Community Standards
    As a basis, you must abide by Roblox Community Standards—an outline of the expected behaviour and conduct from each player. These standards apply to all interactions you engage in: both within and outside of Honai on the Roblox platform. Not adhering to these standards will lead to enforcement action against your account.

  • Respect
    All users must respect one another; treat others the way you want to be treated. Whilst you are entitled to your own opinion, it should not be at the expense of making others feel uncomfortable and/or targeted. As a Japanese BBQ, we aim to promote a friendly and enchanting atmosphere where everyone feels welcomed. Any form of disrespect towards customers or staff will not be tolerated.

  • Trolling
    The act of bothering with the intention to create a disturbance is not allowed. In light of this, trolling on the premises of Honai will result in a reminder followed by a removal from the server if the behaviour continues. Having said that, trolling is only permitted to be carried out by a Middle Rank at the training center as a simulation.

  • Exploiting
    Usage of a third-party script to: gain an in-game advantage, create a disturbance with malicious intent, or for attention, is strictly forbidden. Exploiting in any Honai-affiliated games will result in a permanent ban, usually through our enhanced anti-exploit system.

Disciplinary Action
Players who breach our Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action—varying significantly depending on the severity of the violation. Each violation is reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and handled in accordance with established procedures. In most cases, we provide one reminder before taking any disciplinary action. If the player remains in violation of our Code, we assume it is with intent, and will remove the player from the server. On the rare occasion, a breach may result in a server ban or even a permanent ban across all Honai-affiliated games.

However, if you believe you have been wrongly punished, you have the right to appeal the decision. In order to do so, please contact a General Manager or above to initiate the call for review. From there, they will investigate the circumstances, and evaluate if the disciplinary measures were in line with our main mission. More information regarding your right to appeal can be found in our community Discord server.

Executive Chef Recommendation Guide

The process of becoming a Middle Rank begins with receiving a promotion to Executive Chef—earned after accumulating 500 points. From this point, there are two ways to move forward and become a Staff Intern: the first is to wait for future application openings, and the second is to receive a recommendation from a General Manager or above. A recommendation is not simply given; it is earned through consistent effort, demonstrating skill, and remaining loyal to Honai. Building on this, to enhance your chances of receiving a recommendation, we have created the AIM (Activity, Individuality, & Maturity) framework.


  • Activity
    We are looking for motivated Executive Chefs, demonstrating high levels of activity at the restaurant. On that note, we would prefer you play for 45 minutes daily rather than playing for 6 hours one day, and none for the rest of the week. It is less about having bursts of intense activity, and more about showing up regularly. This shows consistency—proving you have the ability to pace yourself.

  • Individuality
    Individuality represents a persons own identity—their unique values, beliefs, and emotions. We want everyone, and not just our Executive Chefs, to have the space where they are able to express themselves. With that said, we are interested in those who stand out. You do not need to look and/or act in a certain way to receive a recommendation. Just simply be yourself.

  • Maturity
    It is essential to approach difficult situations with maturity, regardless of the circumstances. Maturity in this context doesn’t mean avoiding emotions, but rather, responding to these situations with a professional mindset. This is a key trait we look for in all Executive Chefs, as it highlights their capability to deal with difficult challenges in high-pressure scenarios.

Recommendation Process
When a General Manager or above regularly notices your commitment to the framework outlined, you become eligible for a recommendation request. Assuming they decide to proceed with the request, an internal poll will be created amongst our General Managers and the Staffing Department. If, following an extensive assessment, the majority believe that you will make a great fit, a formal letter of recommendation will be issued; you will have the option to either accept or decline the offer. Should you accept, you will become a Staff Intern and begin your 7-day internship. More information regarding the internship would be made available to you then.

Partnership Program

The objective of this program is to establish industry-related connections, bringing Honai closer to other groups. We deeply value every partnership, as each one plays a crucial role in our success and growth. To ensure that these relationships remain mutually beneficial, we have established a structured program that builds lasting connections. In light of this, if you are looking to join our Partnership Program, you must accept our terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

All partners agree to mutually benefit one another; announcing events and news once requested, reciprocating the partnership. Such announcements must be made public in the timeframe provided in the request. We also expect both the representatives and the group as a whole to conduct themselves in a courteous manner. This includes: the liaison of drama internally without direct involvement of Honai, maintaining or attempting to maintain exceptional activity levels, and preserving a professional work environment. The violation of our conditions puts the partnership at risk of termination and/or a blacklist dependent upon the result of an independent investigation.

If you and your group agrees to our terms, please proceed to our requirements. These requirements are compulsory standards partners must meet before answering any questions, enabling Honai to filter out any non-beneficial partnerships. If your groups happens to meet each requirement, please continue with your application.

  • Your group must have at least 100 non-botted members, and is continuing to grow;
  • Your group must be in the hospitality industry which is made up of: restaurants, cafes, juice bars, bakeries, apparels and hotels;
  • Your staff team must have the resources to send at least 2-3 representatives;
  • Your group cannot sell ranks with administrative powers.

With that mentioned, if you do not meet some of the listed requirements above, some exceptions can be made after an extensive assessment of the group conducted by our Relations Department. If this is the case, please create a ticket with the Support bot in our community Discord server.


  • Tell us about your group. Please include all of your important links.
  • In your own words, define what is meant by a partnership.
  • Why would you like to join our Partnership Program?
  • How will this partnership be mutually beneficial?
  • Why should we choose your group over others interested in Honai?
  • Please provide us with 2-3 representatives that we may contact.

Once you have completed the application, please forward your application to our Relations Department by opening a ticket with our Support bot. We will get back to you as soon as possible to confirm that we have received your application.

Rank Information
Rank Limit Description
Customer ∞ Our customers at the heart of everything we do. They are at the forefront of the day-to-day decisions made by chefs, High Ranks and even our very own Developers. And so, without them we wouldn't be where we are today. Customers are visitors that have joined the group, and show interest in how the restaurant works.
Noted Customer ∞ They are regarded as individuals who have made a lasting impact on Honai by leaving behind a legacy—either through development or as a former High Rank. Noted Customers are highly respected and valued across our community due to their unwavering loyalty towards the group.
Business Partner ∞ These are representatives from groups listed under the affiliates tab—usually two or three per alliance. This rank is only used to display representatives at the restaurant.
Low Rank
Trainee Chef ∞ Trainee Chefs are unofficial staff members. They have accepted our in-game Employee Terms and Conditions, but cannot work behind the grill and serve customers just yet. In order to do so, trainees must attend and successfully complete a training session.
Sous Chef ∞ Sous Chefs are official staff members. They are beginning to learn the ropes of the grill, as they memorise recipes and learn more about how Honai operates. To receive a promotion to Head Chef, they must earn 250 points.
Head Chef ∞ Head Chefs have shown dedication at the restaurant, becoming more proficient. Despite having the same responsibilities as a Sous Chef, they are regarded as more experienced because they have learnt the basics of working behind the grill. To continue advancing, Head Chefs must acquire 500 points.
Executive Chef ∞ Executive Chefs have proven their sophisticated knowledge of the restaurant, setting an example to other chefs. At this stage, they are now eligible to join our Middle Rank team as a Staff Intern through a recommendation request made by a General Manager or above.
Middle Rank
Staff Intern 35 Earned after receiving a recommendation, Staff Intern is the first rank Middle Rank. Whilst being granted supervision duties, they are given some time to adjust to their new responsibilities. These responsibilities include: dealing with disruptive customers, assisting at trainings, and enforcing the Code of Conduct.
Supervisor 30 Supervisors have gained an exceptional level of general knowledge in relation to Honai, and are motivated to acquire more. They have been promoted due to their activity and professionalism when carrying out their supervising duties.
Assistant Manager 25 Assistant Manager is the third Middle Rank. They have demonstrated phenomenal leadership abilities during their time at Honai. Whilst they have similar responsibilities as a Supervisor, they now have the privilege to host trainings.
General Manager 20 General Manager is the last rank Middle Rank. Owing to their professionalism and proven capability to lead, they have been promoted. Alongside this promotion, comes the addition of new responsibilities which go beyond those typically expected of their previous roles. General Managers have the ability to recommend Executive Chefs, and deal with ban appeal requests.
High Rank
Executive Assistant 16 Executive Assistants are assigned to one of the two departments, either Staffing or Relations, as department assistants. They assist officers of this department to ensure the restaurant is running efficiently. As the first High Rank, they are allotted time to understand the dynamics within their department.
Board of Executives 8 Boards of Executives have gained the necessary experience and strategic insight to become department officers within their assigned department. They are provided with more challenging tasks, whilst delegating more simple tasks for department assistant to complete.
Executive Director 4 Throughout their journey at Honai, Executive Directors have actively engaged with challenging tasks and opportunities that have shaped them into capable leaders—making them truly worthy of this position. They lead their assigned department, whilst maintaining a strong team and ensuring all tasks are completed.
Senior Rank
Vice President 2 Vice Presidents have consistently devoted themselves to Honai, making significant contributions to both their department and the group as a whole. They assist the President in overseeing all operations whilst acting upon community feedback.
President 2 Presidents have worked tirelessly to support our main mission as a group; their collective efforts have been instrumental and greatly appreciated by the Chairman. This role involves the collaboration with both Vice Presidents and the Chairman to oversee Honai.
Chairman 1 The sitting owner and founder of Honai. They oversee all operations, making authoritative decisions regarding: group finances, development, departments, and the foreseeable future of the company.
Session Information

Here at Honai, we host several training sessions throughout the day; allowing Trainee Chefs the opportunity to rank up. These sessions are hosted at scheduled times by an Assistant Manager or above. You are highly advised to join 5-10 minutes before the schedule time to ensure you do not miss the session. However, if you do, please do not worry as other sessions are scheduled frequently throughout the day. You may find the schedule listed below according to your local timezone.

Session Times
March 12, 2025 7:00 AM
March 12, 2025 1:00 PM
March 12, 2025 4:00 PM
March 12, 2025 7:00 PM
March 12, 2025 10:00 PM
March 13, 2025 1:00 AM

:fire: Conclusion

Thank you for taking the time to read our handbook. We intend for this information to provide you with a clear understanding of our values, expectations and operations. On that note, if you need any sort of further clarification, please do not hesitate to get in contact us—we are always happy to help!

Last Updated: March 11, 2025 8:00 PM