Honest Criticism please - chess set

I keep mucking up this post… really want some honest criticism on this chess set I’ve made. I’m not sure if I love or hate it. Thanks.


they looks great, try smooth shading some of them


The shapes are pretty cool! Did you use a rectangle for the main parts of the king and queen in blender? If you did use blender. (I’m going to start 3d modeling tomorrow when I can so I wanna just understand)


I used a cylinder but you can start with a cube if you want …it might have been easier to use a cube . I’m still learning. gl!


they are intentionally not smoothed although I agree they would probably look better smoothed

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They have a very charming look to them.

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Oh okay, I assumed it was a cube because of the sharp edges.

you can change a cylinder to have different number of faces when you add it… so I just made a solid hexagon out of the cylinder.

Yeah the properties menu that shows up. I think i should probably just use a cylinder to have more vertices to work with when shaping the thing I want to make and if I don’t have enough I’ll just use the subdivision modifier.

you can also subdivide individual faces in edit mode … or the whole mesh …or you can loop cut (ctrl+r) and scroll to make many loop cuts… or… lol. ye there are lots of ways to go around making stuff.

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It looks very good, although i would make some of the (players? idk sorry) more detailed.
Maybe detail more the first line of (again, players? i dont play chess sorry.)

The rooks are just really blocky, I would personally change them. The shape of the king is a little weird but eh. I like the horses, for the bishop i should recommend smoothing. Actually, I would smooth for everything.

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bit late but the black looks great

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Looks amazing, do you plan on scripting them in the future?

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It looks nice, you’ve put a lot of effort into it. The chess pieces are a bit oddly shaped, but you can still tell what they are.

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Such a nice style. Very unique and nice looking.

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they are called Pons, for future reference…

thanks for the info ill keep the name in mind for future

They’re called pawns.


@tombbstonel @CharlieValognas there is a look has a distinct lack of detail and smoothness by intent. This was a set I made as a challenge to find something that both I (who prefers organic, round, soft design) and my friend (who prefers simple, modern, geometric design) would like. - we are both happy with the final product so the exercise was a success. :slight_smile:

@oggy521 as for scripting, hopefully they will be used in a game but unless the game is to get the pieces to say “hello world”, I won’t be the one to do the scripting. lol

@UraniumCycle , @flameralt85, @Antiquity_Spy - ty… I’m glad you like them

Here are pictures of the final product …

… as a side note… if you count the grooves in the bottom of each piece you’ll notice (unless I counted wrong which I do often) that they correspond to the number of points each piece is worth :wink:

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