Honest review on a work in progress horror game

hello devforum users I recently just started a working on a horror game (yesterday) and there is still much more to be done but I have made a lot since yesterday, I know there’s still places to improve but this is what I have so far.

btw u can press F to enable the flashlight and there are some parts inaccessible but I made it that way so that I can script them later for puzzles nd more.


This looks cool, whats the Theme of the game?

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just some labatory test site owned by a federal agency

Once you work on it more can you post more of your progress on the game?

sure ill try to remember to keep it updated

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I moved the game to a different build because I messed up something filling out the questionaire, the new one is posted on my public profile

This horror game looks very good so far! Nice job on it!