Honey's Farm | Basic Rules

Honey’s Farm
“Sweetness determined by nature”

:white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart:

This forum will go over the basic rules for guests and staff.

-Guest Guidelines

  • No seriously disruptive behavior
    • No trolling.
    • No exploitation.
    • No bypassing.
  • No third party advertising on the group page, in group games, etc. (Unless you have been granted permission from SHR+)
  • No Online Dating.
  • No hurtful, hateful, or malicious speech.
  • Just abide to the Roblox ToS at all times.

-Staff Guidelines

  • No point farming.
  • No disrespect towards anyone, whether they are below you, above you, or beside you.
  • Must also abide to the Roblox ToS at all times.

Breaking any of these rules could result in punishment ranging from feedback, all the way to a permanent ban.

Handbook Gateway: Honey's Farm | Handbook

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