Honey's Farm | Interview Help

Honey’s Farm
“Sweetness determined by nature”

:white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart: :star2: :white_heart:

This forum is mainly for LR applicants. You may be answered some questions that you are unfamiliar with, this is to help familiarize you with the group and what you will be asked during interviews. It is recommended you read Ranks to find out what rank you’d like to apply for.

High activity and good grammar are recommended, but not necessarily required, all that matters is that if you are asked, you answer truthfully and honestly.

Our main focus in finding employees is finding someone that can provide only the best for the group and be able to provide more than others can. Try and ask yourself, “What can you do that other’s can’t?”

Something we are looking for is someone who has awareness as to what they’re doing and what they have to do. You may be asked what your understanding of the group is or what to do in certain situations, if you are unsure of what the answers are, we will provide some help to get you familiar with what you’ll be asked and how to answer.


Q: Do you have a basic understanding of the group?
A: A tourist-like, but functional farm environment where it is interactive for guests, and community based. You will be working under your branch and do the necessary seasonal jobs, and guide guests through the farm. (Basically your job doubles as a tour guide.) But another aspect of your job is to treat guests and community with warmth and kindness, so we can truly remain an endearing community.

Q: How do you handle situations with trollers or rude guests?
A: Simply ignore them, don’t give them warnings, don’t retaliate, if there is an MR or HR in the server you can requests their assistance if the guest is seriously disturbing, if not, just ignore them.

Q: How do you handle situations with rude or disobedient employees?
A: If an MR/HR is in the server, report it to them, do not try to handle it yourself to the other employee. If there is no MR/HR in the server, get screenshot evidence and report it to the dizzy server.

If or when you are asked these questions, do not blatantly copy what was told above. Give a basic summary of what you learned from this instead.

Good luck! :cupid:

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