Hood style game MAP

A ghetto/hood style game


I love this! My only feedback is that those roads and sidewalks NEED some texture!

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As bananapha said, the roads and sidewalk need texture. Otherwise, great!

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They do have texture, it’s just not very visible.

Something feels off about the lighting but I’m not sure what… I don’t have great expertise in this so you probably shouldn’t listen to me though.


The ambiance is too ordinary, the environment is too green. This looks like a happy deserted town.

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well yeah but if the road was cracked and in poor condition it would look more like a “hood”

The buildings look “washed” and not generally something you’d find in a hood, as the buildings would most likely not look as well kept in a real hood situation, but not completely decimated.

The tent/hobo hideout looks out of place as there wouldn’t reasonably be that much open area near a “hood area” which would typically be a neighborhood or an area within a city or near a city, neighborhoods don’t typically have insanely wooded areas and nonetheless palm trees, which wouldn’t be growing there.

The scenery looks forced and in the aforementioned hood situation there would likely be no broken down cars, and these cars would be either taken apart or stolen, but not completely left there, if this is meant to be a game, it would be advised to have cars be durable and the cars would likely only be damaged from a “shoot-out”.

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The graffiti is completely incorrect and placed in odd positions such as outside a 3rd floor wall where nobody could realistically reach to even make such graffiti, there’s an unreasonable amount of trash and cars laying around like nobody exists in the town which is where Megalodox_Official’s comment goes into, it genuinely looks in-between well kept and decrepit which generally is unrealistic, not to mention the lack of wind movement on anything.