Howdy, My name is Mike. I am the Administrative @BoricuaPepe. This topic is about the rules, and the people breaking ROBOX TOS. Any concert or question. Just dm me in discord Mike (13 Days🎂)#1685
Random Killing is not allowed. You will get kicked from the server… How to know if is Random Killing? Easy. You will know it, if someone comes and start shooting you with out an Roleplay. Example;
Girl: [LOOKS BACK] “hi”
The right way to not do a random kill is doing an rp like a robbery. Then if you going to kill them use /gun
For rp it use /me {SAY IT HERE}
The law of Hoodlum City. Easy, I’m not going to tell in here. You must play the game… I am just telling how you can know if is breaking the rules of the game.
If you are exploiting. You will get a permament ban from the game, and you will be reported to @Exploit_Reports.