Hooks.hydra.io not working for me with proxy

first i tested this webhook in studio with the discordapp.com link, and it worked all good, but then i figured out that it doesnt work in the actual game so i switched to a recommended proxy, hooks.hydra.io and i cant seem to find the problem

error: HtttpError: NetFail


			local HookData = {
				["embeds"] = {{
					["title"] = plr.Name.."'s response",
					["description"] = response,
					["thumbnail"] = {
						["url"] = PictureUrl;
					["timestamp"] = getdate(),
					["type"] = "rich",
					["color"] = tonumber(0xFFFFFF)

			HookData = http:JSONEncode(HookData)
			local yes, no = pcall(function()
				http:PostAsync("https://hooks.hyra.io/api/webhooks/id", HookData)

everything is defined in here i just didnt post the whole script, any help?

HTTP Services might be down, thats when people usually get it.

It seems that the proxy you’re trying to use is not available anymore.

When you try to connect to a website, your device fetches the website’s IP address using DNS. The IP address of the desired server is stored using “A” record (or “AAAA” if using IPv6), eg. when you try to reach “roblox.com”, the website name (roblox.com) would be used to fetch what Roblox’s server your device should reach to. Here’s a website which lets you check what DNS Records are associated with certain website. When opening roblox.com, one of those IPs would be used to actually fetch the website’s content:
whatsmydns.net (roblox.com A records)
You can see bunch of IPs being available.

It seems that the website used by the proxy does not have any A records available, therefore Roblox simply doesn’t know what IP to use, so it can’t reach the website - and that’s the source of the error.

whatsmydns.net (hooks.hyra.io A records)

To begin with, you shouldn’t use Discord for logging - there are many different services that are made for that specifical purpose. However, if you insist on using Discord, you’ll need to find another proxy.

PS: I believe you have also leaked your webhook’s credentials. Remove ASAP so they’re not used for malicious purposes!!!

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