Hopper no longer converts to StarterPack when loading RBXLX, instead contents vanish

Hopper no longer transfers to StarterPack and self-destructs when loading a dinosaur of an XML save (which it did and should), instead Hopper and its contents completely dissapear and nothing appears in StarterPack.

This happens when loading an RBXLX of an uncopylocked 2006 place downloaded from the website. It looks like this happens because StarterPack is called Hopper in this old place file, but according to the Developer Hub, this Hopper class should dump its contents into StarterPack if instantiated.

This started happening when I tried opening an old place directly into Roblox without first funneling it through a version where it transfers properly.

What should happen:
Contents transfer safe and sound to StarterPack

What actually happens:
The contents have vanished

To reproduce the issue, download and open http://www.roblox.com/asset/?ID=1578 (change its file extension to RBXLX) or another equally ancient uncopylocked place with stuff inside a Hopper (it looks something like this)

<Item class="Hopper">
			<string name="Name">Hopper</string>
		<Item class="HopperBin">
				<string name="Command">Grab</string>
				<string name="Name">HopperBin</string>
				<string name="TextureName">Grab</string>
		<Item class="HopperBin">
				<string name="Command">Hammer</string>
				<string name="Name">HopperBin</string>
				<string name="TextureName">Hammer</string>
		<Item class="HopperBin">
				<string name="Command">Clone</string>
				<string name="Name">HopperBin</string>
				<string name="TextureName">Clone</string>
		<Item class="HopperBin">
				<string name="Command">Slingshot</string>
				<string name="Name">HopperBin</string>
				<string name="TextureName">Slingshot</string>

Also confirmed not working on Grey City as it doesn’t load its landmark Time Bomb


I’m still looking forward to seeing this get fixed. Ancient untouched places like Pirate Ship, Angel of Truth, and Santa’s Winter Stronghold are all missing their HopperBins due to this bug.

Santa’s Winter Stronghold (2007 Studio):
Screenshot 2021-10-06 223115

Santa’s Winter Stronghold (2021 Studio):
Screenshot 2021-10-06 223201

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I am experiencing this bug too.
When loading Haunted Mansion I do not see any tools Screenshot 2021-12-05 134209
It should have tools as shown in this screenshot:

Another example of this bug is that when playing classic Brick Battle game Sunset Plains, the gear do not appear making the game unplayable.

I need to dig up very old screenshots to get fixed tool versions since I am working on a Super Nostalgia Zone-like game and I can’t just go off of what tools are in the game so opening up the file in Notepad is necessary.

Bumping this. This bug needlessly complicates the preservation of legacy HopperBin code from historically uncopylocked places.

There is another workaround that involves downloading the place file and directly editing the .XML in a text editor to change the HopperBin container’s class from Hopper to StarterPack, but this should really just be done automatically by Studio.

Before Fix:



After Fix:



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