HopperBins cause the core backpack script to error.
HopperBins will cause the roblox core backpack script to error because of what looks to be a feature to translate tool tips which HopperBins don’t have.
This causes HopperBins to be un-deselectable once selected.
HopperBins are deprecated and no longer supported. Use Tools instead. You can disable the RequiresHandle property of tools if they don’t have a physical model.
We’ll get this fixed soon, probably in the next update.
Update: fix shipped in release 341, will take up to a month to roll out to all clients.
I would upgrade away from HopperBins while you’re at it though. As EchoReaper mentioned they’ve been deprecated for a long time. Otherwise you’ll have to wait a week and if you have any mobile/console users you could still have a few players with this broken version.
Change the HopperBin objects into Tool objects (and transfer properties as needed, like the image), set RequiresHandle to false on these tools, and subsequently listen to the Equipped/Unequipped events rather than Selected/Deselected events. This should not take more than a few minutes of work.