HopperBins cause the core backpack to Error due to the lack of a Tool tip

HopperBins cause the core backpack script to error.

HopperBins will cause the roblox core backpack script to error because of what looks to be a feature to translate tool tips which HopperBins don’t have.

This causes HopperBins to be un-deselectable once selected.

This bug started happening with today’s update.

LocalizedToolTip = GameTranslator:TranslateGameText(tool, tool.ToolTip)

This code is ran without checking if the tool isn’t a HopperBin.

My group relies on equipment made on HopperBins, I suppose this bug isn’t intentional but I thought I’d put it out there.


I thought I had some bizarre glitch happening with my game
Glad it’s just a mess up on Robox’s end

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HopperBins are deprecated and no longer supported. Use Tools instead. You can disable the RequiresHandle property of tools if they don’t have a physical model.


We’ll get this fixed soon, probably in the next update.

Update: fix shipped in release 341, will take up to a month to roll out to all clients.

I would upgrade away from HopperBins while you’re at it though. As EchoReaper mentioned they’ve been deprecated for a long time. Otherwise you’ll have to wait a week and if you have any mobile/console users you could still have a few players with this broken version.


I use HopperBins for Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub , what to do about that?


Would it be possible to be fixed faster? My game is getting disliked and is dropping in players really quick because of that…


A sneaky way around this is to create a StringValue named “ToolTip” under the tool. This clears the issue I’ve heard.

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I will try.

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Change the HopperBin objects into Tool objects (and transfer properties as needed, like the image), set RequiresHandle to false on these tools, and subsequently listen to the Equipped/Unequipped events rather than Selected/Deselected events. This should not take more than a few minutes of work.


This morning the HopperBins started working BUT you have to reset after getting one in your inventory for the first time.

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