Horizontal FOV Help

Is there a way to keep the same zoom distance and vertical fov while closing in the horizontal fov of either side? Code:

function CameraController:SetHorizontalFov(fov)
    local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera
    local currentFov = camera.FieldOfView
    local currentAspectRatio = camera.ViewportSize.X / camera.ViewportSize.Y

    local newAspectRatio = math.tan(math.rad(fov) / 2) / math.tan(math.rad(currentFov) / 2)

    local newHorizontalFov = math.deg(2 * math.atan(math.tan(math.rad(currentFov) / 2) * newAspectRatio))

    camera.FieldOfView = newHorizontalFov

This may be what you’re looking for: Camera.FieldOfViewMode
If the link doesn’t take you right to the section then I’m talking about the Camera property FieldOfViewMode which can be set to Enum.FieldOfViewMode.Vertical, Enum.FieldOfViewMode.Horizontal, or Enum.FieldOfViewMode.Diagonal.