Horror Sink Creature + Washing Machine Man

:warning: These were made for a horror game I’m devloping thats going for disturbing, this post is not a meme. :warning:I made this creature entirely myself and made the creature itself, soap and toothbrush.I also made every part of the washing machine.(If you are gonna reply on one of my posts don’t say something sarcastic. I’ve had this issue where the comments are just sarcasm and no geniune feedback and it ends up getting the entire post flagged, If you are gonna compliment my work make sure to give some feedback also, If you just want to compliment then like. :disappointed:

Sink Creature

Washing Machine Creature


This is a pretty cool sink you made. How long did it take you?


It probably took around 20 minutes but I did procrastinate. :grin:


Theres quite a few misalignments, such as the bottom of the sink, the knobs. The rest seems fine.

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I tried to make the knobs more symmetrical, is it any better? :grinning:

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I don’t think that could apply here. It is a monster after all.


the robot from that one will smith movie :eyes:
looking creepily nice

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I think you should give the sink creature something more to walk on, unless it’s just a decoration. If it’s something like a piggy game where you have to run from it, definitely do something like 2 pole bases or whatever else you can think of

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I didn’t mean that. I meant the top.
Screen Shot 2021-03-18 at 7.29.35 PM

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I can’t help but notice that you completely disregarded my reply.

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Just because it’s a monster doesn’t mean things should be getting all off to the side suddenly. It’s still mainly meant to be a sink, the monstrous part is the arms and head. You can change things of the main monster design, like Sirenhead’s teeth, but a misalignment would not be that.

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It’s purely @jug_1000’s decision what is ‘monstrous’ and what is not. Your feedback is valid, but a monster isn’t exactly perfect. Personally, I feel the asymmetrical shape and the imperfections can prove to be ‘disturbing’, which is what @jug_1000 is going for.

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I don’t think a slightly misaligned handle top is

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