My Horse’s animation plays incorrectly on the server but correctly on the client
Animation on the client
Animation on the server (Incorrect)
Ive tried Different animation weights and priority, different id’s turning off client throttling animation retargeting basically everything that comes up on google
This is using the regular animate script from the Player in a Server Script under the model
I have zero experience with scripting or animating, but I bet you could set a server script that tells the client to start playing an animation and loop it. Also try using a local server to see if another simulation of the client is affected.
ive heard that the server view does some stuff weirdly like client-server replication (not sure on this), the only thing that matters is the client experience and the serverside experience is just some stuff to hold that together, so if somehow it seems correct on other clients you are good to go. to test for this go to TEST > Start and make sure its on 2 players, and if you want add more players too
I gave this a test Which I probably should’ve done earlier, and the animation is still strange on the other players client, Only the horse (Who’s network owner is set to the owner) owner’s animation is correct
After further testing it turns out this appears to only be a studio bug?
I tested it in a game and horse animations appear perfectly across clients so I’m glad I figured it out at least Thx for helping me guys