Horse how to make it slowly speed up

Hey guys, im wondering how I can make my horse speed up after running for a little while.

Currently right as you hit W the speed goes straight to max speed (30) any ways I can do this?

Thanks any help loved!

Are you able to give us some more information on the problem so we can help you in a way that’ll work?

For example, you haven’t told us anything like what you’ve tried, what you’re doing atm, etc.

If you could please give us that information we’ll be able to help you, thanks!

Maybe have a value in the horse that constantly is checked by a RemoteFunction and is constantly increasing by a float?

What if you slowly tween it’s speed?

Im using a seat, With is vehicle seat and it makes it go from 0 - 30 No errors etc.
Just starts fast

I’d start with something like
Local Speed = 0

And if it’s a VehicleSeat then whilst Throttle == 1 slowly add to the Speed Val until it amounts to 30.

Then have the main controller, if its a velocity, set the velocity speed to the Speed and it’ll slowly increase.

You can use linear interpolation to make the horse accelerate:

local initialSpeed = 0
local targetSpeed = 30
local TIME = 2

local function lerp(p0, p1, t)
    return (1 - t) * p0 + t * p1

for a = 0, 1, wait() / TIME do
    horseSpeed = lerp(initialSpeed, targetSpeed, a)