Hosting A Portfolio Site For Free

I’ve seen a lot of Roblox developers fall into the trap of paying money to host their portfolio websites (not including domains, only hosting). I think I have found what is, in my opinion, the best free (and paid) solution for hosting static websites. My hope with this tutorial is that you will walk away knowing how to host your portfolios (any any other small static websites) without paying a dime.

What is it?

Firebase is a cloud provider that’s owned by Google. It is very cheap for what it is, especially when you compare it to competitors like AWS and Azure. Not only that, but it’s perfect for hosting small, single-page apps like portfolios.

Specifically, this tutorial will be utilizing Firebase Hosting (but please check out their other services here). I will be refering to Firebase Hosting as Hosting from this point forward.

Here’s what sets hosting apart from other services like GitHub Pages or Glitch:

  • It’s fast
    All files for your website are deployed to edge CDNs across the globe. No matter where someone is, they can access your site quickly.
  • Free & 100% automatic SSL certificates
  • Easy custom domains
  • Deploy to hosting with one CLI command
    firebase deploy

Getting Started

Before you can do anything else, you need a portfolio! For this tutorial I will make a simple single-page site. Not only that, but we’ll also add analytics and performance monitoring (still free)!

Let’s just use some simple boilerplate for the site:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">
    <title>Brooke's Awesome Portfolio</title>
    <h1>Hey there!</h1>
    <h3>I make websites and stuff</h3>

Now, let’s setup the Firebase project. Before you do this, you need Node.js and NPM installed. Run the following in your command-line:
npm install -g firebase-tools

If you need more help installing the CLI then please visit here.

Next, you need to authenticate with the CLI tool. Run the following command and follow the steps:
firebase login
You should only need to run this once!

Now, run the following command in your project directory:
firebase init hosting
This will initialize a Firebase project in your current project. You will then be prompted for your projects options:

  • Are you ready to proceed? Yes
  • Select a default Firebase project for this directory: You should create a new project if you don’t already have one setup
  • What do you want to use as your public directory? Leave this as default (public)
  • Configure as a single-page app (rewrite all urls to /index.html)? You should probably say yes to this if your portfolio is a single page, otherwise say no

That’s the project setup! Let’s walk through your project directory now:

  • public (this actually holds your website, I’ll go into more detail on this next)
    • index.html
    • 404.html (if you didn’t enable single-page app)
  • .firebaserc (don’t worry about this)
  • .gitignore (only worry about this if you’re going to be using some sort of version control)
  • firebase.json (this is the options for your project, you shouldn’t need to mess about with it for this tutorial)
  • index.html (our original website, I’ll get to this next as well)

Putting everything in place

Once you have your project generated by the Firebase CLI you need to remove index.html from the public directory. Once you’ve done that, move your original index.html into the public directory. That’s it!

Now you can test your site locally. Run the following command:
firebase serve

You should now visit localhost:5000 in your browser.

Optional: Setting up CSS and JavaScript

Most websites are going to want to store their CSS and JavaScript in separate files to the HTML. Doing that with Hosting is just like you normally would.

In the public directory, simply create css or js folders (call it what you want) and then reference it in your HTML like you would any other site.

Deploying to Firebase

Like I said at the start, deploying is done with a single command! Just run the following:
firebase deploy

A few seconds later your site should be live! Just visit the following in your browser:


Optional: Custom Domain

If you already own a domain then you can quickly and easily link it to your Firebase site.

First, visit the hosting page on the Firebase Console:

Next, select the button to add a custom domain:

You should now follow the prompts on screen. Once you are done it can take a few hours for your SSL certificate to be setup and provisioned.

Optional: Performance Monitoring and Analytics

If you want to monitor the performance of your website and get analytics then you should follow these steps (it’s still free!).

First, go back to your projects overview page and add an app:


Now name your app. You shouldn’t tick the Also setup Firebase Hosting button because we already have it setup.

On the next section (Add Firebase SDK), copy the code snippet and add it to the bottom of your index.html body tag:

    <h1>Hey there!</h1>
    <h3>I make websites and stuff</h3>

    <!-- The core Firebase JS SDK is always required and must be listed first -->
    <script src=""></script>

        // Your web apps Firebase configuration
        var firebaseConfig = {
        // Initialize Firebase

Next, you need to include the analytics and performance monitoring libraries in your project. Put the following below <script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Now you just need to add the following under firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig):;

You should then be able to view performance and analytics for your site on the console within the next day:

You’re done!

I hope some people found this tutorial useful. It was pretty fun to write.

If you have any questions or found an issue with the tutorial then please reply with them or DM me!

(I accidentally posted this half-finished so sorry for the two posts, the other one should delete itself in 24 hours)


Is Github not free?


I covered points in the post about why I prefer Firebase over GitHub. Not only is Firebase faster and more reliable, but it also provides analytics and performance monitoring for free.

Performance monitoring is really important for a portfolio because a great portfolio is a fast portfolio.

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Understood and great tutorial!

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Keep in mind you can still upload the sites files to GitHub if you want it open source, I just prefer Firebase for the hosting over GitHub Pages.

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Hey, thanks! This looks really interesting, I’m trying to learn a lot of different things and eventually fill up a portfolio to show my achievements! :smiley:
Very cool, never saw Firebase existed.

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Great project, curious if you have plans to go to scale with this.

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cool tutorial! Good for begginers. Will you make a new and Advanced tutorial?

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Go to scale with what? Sorry if I’m not understanding.

I could make a second tutorial about doing it with Vue (a front-end framework). Thing is, though, other than that, it doesn’t get much more advanced. I like Hosting so much because there’s so little to it. The only thing that tends to get more advanced is the website itself.

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As explained in the thread, Firebase has a free tier. Custom domains do cost money and are optional. However, even then, you can pick up a domain for a couple of bucks a year - they’re basically nothing.

Even when using Wix as you suggested, you have to pay to use a custom domain and get rid of the Wix watermark. A watermark on a portfolio website tends to look pretty bad on you as a developer and will discourage people from working with you.

Please look at how old a thread is before bumping it. You could have answered those questions with a simple Google search and have now bumped a 9-month old thread.

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