Hot Air Balloon FULL RELEASE!

Ayyy whats up bois so you may have seen my currently dead post about a game I made well todays its official release!


Dodge clouds and collect the white things and yellow things.
If you reach a score of 5000 heavy clouds start coming.
As you progress it gets faster slowly.
If you reach a score of 10000 there is a 100% chance that if a heavy cloud spawns a lightning bolt will spawn but before the bolt spawns you will be notified by a “NANI?” -ish sound.
Collect yellow things aka coins to buy skins and models.
Buy gamepasses to make me rich. (They are cheap as hell)

ok thats all ty

Is this good?
  • Yes
  • No (I swear if you don’t tell me why prepare to die because ima lightning bolt your house.)

0 voters


the game is very great. i love the design and effects. i have two things that you could improve;

-make cloud hitboxes smaller. you might hit a cloud before you see any visible touch

-the balloon could fly a little more close to the bottom of the screen. that could give the players more time to react to the clouds (heavy clouds in particular)

other than that, i love the game.


It’s an alright game, the ui is a little messy (with the shop) and sometimes the hitboxes aren’t that clear, for example having the setting to turn it on is the only way I could improve my run.

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Thats why it exists also okbibwill fix hitboxes @some_produde

Great game, but the lightning bolt are so annoying! I don’t know where it is going to go, there should be a “!” sign where it is going to go :

I like the hitbox feature so I can see where not to go more clearly (There should be hot keys for the options such as “H” to turn on hitboxes)

Other than that, great game!

Took my spot back at first place: (Died to lightning as per usual)

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Love the game, will be very addictive!

Maybe fill this area with pixel arts clouds in the sky, to make you feel more immersed?

Also, could you make it so when you press “esc” it pauses the game to?

Edit: i’m officially addicted

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It is a very fun game but I think there could also be a top coins leaderboard and a stats section to see your own score. My alt managed to get a highscore around 21K and with a shop or something that can buy ballon skins and other backrounds I would definatly play it more. As said before I think there should be a very quick warning of where a lightning bolt is going to appear.
Edit: I completely missed the shop button sorry.

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By far this game is very nice, but honestly, this game missing 2 things:

  • Game should have a soundtrack, bad or good but should.

  • Same style for every gui, as shop kinda miss-styles the game

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Amazing game!


Game Area

I like the game area, very nice UI.


I love the leaderboard! It makes this game more addicting.

Game Play

Over all the game play is very good! There is a minor bug that I encountered when playing. When I reset my character, and I played the game and then died as I touched a cloud, the score counter stopped counting, but the death screen didn’t pop up. I had to rejoin to continue playing. Just a minor bug.

The game is super fun, very addicting!


Maybe add music.
Maybe add a P keybind to pause the game, and R to resume it!
Maybe lower the volume of the lightning.



Love the UI


Love the leaderboard

Game Play

Love the game play!

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damn thats a lot of good replies thank you guys for playing my game! @King_GamingRobloxYT @kpmickey11 @WismPlay @probablycxllum and @ItzBloxyDev
a few things:
I am not gonna make lighting less annoying you have 1 second to move when you hear the NANI? sound (idk what to call it lol) Yes the game is addictive fsr. Adding keybind? Sure thing. Coin leaderboard??? ehhhhhh that was in the first version currently I dont think it has a use I will consider the idea doe. Soundtracks? I am not a composer. Ill consider lowering the lightning sound.

Currently I am working on making the hitboxes a bit better my idea is to make it so that if 25% of the balloon touches the cloud or anything then it dies if not yea your fine.

Again thank you all for the very positive replies. Have a good one!

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The thing is though, I move but it sometimes goes to where I move to? Maybe I’m moving too quick? I don’t know. But it’s unpredictable and REALLY I mean REALLY annoying. It comes down to having a bit of luck at the end. Idk how the code works but set the position of strike before the sound plays.

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I do but dk why that happens but for now let it be that why it makes the game more… rageful and fun! training your reflexes!

here ya go

yea I am not the brightest

haha, gotta love it though!

Keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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Game is good, but lightings probably hard to avoid if you can’t hear sounds (if they muted or you deef). Why probably - bc my pc can’t replicate sounds, so I can’t say - will it be easier to avoid lightings with sounds.

Also, I think balloon should be in the bottom of screen instead of middle, bc you “wasting” 50% of game screen.

your ideas are good and all BUT this is a rage game its meant to be hard not easy.

tbh, Great game! But there is one main issue: It’s pretty boring.

If there are more events and game modes and other content features, it can be pretty fun. There’s one minor issue. The bottom guis is off aligned and it’s pretty annoying.

Other then that, it’s pretty good.

can you tell me like what kind of events or modes?

ik i was to lazy to align it. lol

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You may add random floating crates with question marks that either has a buff or a debuff, I have some examples which is:

  • Buff: “Sunny days”(Which will reduce the rate of clouds spawning), “Raining Money”(More coins)
  • Debuff: “Cloudy Days”(Increases clouds or storm clouds spawn rates significantly), “Unpredictable Lightnings”(The warning for lightnings(the nani sound) is gone)

Game modes:
You may add “Chasing Clouds” game mode where the clouds is chasing you. it is faster then the hot air balloon so there are speed boost random at the sky to increase it’s speed for a short amount of time

damn not bad ill try to make em.

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