Hotaru Restaurant: Public Handbook

:palm_tree: Hotaru Restaurant: Public Handbook

Hotaru Group
Hotaru Twitter

About Us
Hotaru is a hibachi restaurant with the most exotic dining places you can ever imagine. What’s one of the best parts of exotic dining? It’s free! Anyone can enjoy dining from a sky view to dining in its sparkling cave! There are over 5+ different dining places you can enjoy in, with a variety of items on the menu! Our goal is to make the most memorable meal you’ll ever enjoy, that’s our motto!


Becoming a Chef
  1. Join the Roblox group
  2. Join the application center and take the quiz
  3. Attend a training session at one of our times and pass
Training Times


6 PM UTC (10 AM PST)
12 AM UTC (4 PM PST)


12 PM UTC (4 AM PST)
10 PM UTC (2 PM PST)
12 AM UTC (4 PM PST)

What do Chefs Do?

Forgot what to do as a chef? No worries! This next article will guide you!

Let’s say, a customer walks up to the front desk and you’re already waiting there. You greet them using a greeting you made. You can also use some of the greeting examples provided below.

“Greetings! Welcome to Hotaru!”
“Welcome to Hotaru!”
“How are you today?”
“Hello! I’ll be your chef for today.”
“Welcome! Are you looking for a table?”

You chat your greeting and ask the customer how many people are in their party, or how many people are eating with them. After, you ask where they’d like to sit. Make sure to let the customer know that they can use the monitor in front to view the seating options! Lastly, ask them if they would like to eat “Casually” or “Hibachi”. Once all your questions been answered, you take them to their preferred seating.

Getting Started With Drinks:
A customer can have a maximum of 3 items per. category. Including refills. You ask all the customers at the table what drink they’d like. If you have trouble remembering all the items, use the notepad tool! After knowing all the drinks they’d like, you head to the nearest fridge and grab their selected drink. To hand a customer an item, use the command !handto [username]. The parameter you enter is not case-sensitive and and be just the first few letters of their username.

Time to Cook!
If the customer is at a “Casual” seating arrangement, you will have to cook in the kitchen, located at the main building. If the customer is at a Hibachi seating arrangement, you will cook at the grill in front of them.

You first start off with appetizers. Don’t forget! A customer can have a maximum of 3 items per. category. If the item they ordered is “cookable”, meaning that food item can be cooked on a grill, you cook on the grill.

How to Cook on a Grill
  1. Click on the shelf next to the grill
  2. Select the item you’d like to cook
  3. Click on the grill to cook

If the item is not cookable, e.g., you go to the nearest shelf (not the grill’s shelf), and click on it. Tap on the item you’d like to receive and you’ll immediately receive the item.

After appetizers, continue with entrees. And after entrees, you can continue with dessert.

Concluding the Meal:
After the meal is finished, you can say them goodbye. Below is some examples of goodbye sayings.

“Thank you for visiting! I hope you had a great time!”
“I hope you enjoyed the meal.”
“Thanks for coming. If you’d like, you can tip me.”
“That concludes our meal today!”
“Have a good rest of your day!”

After their visit, they can choose to tip you, if you have tipping set up.


Warning System:
Moderation is important at the restaurant. It’s a chef’s job to handle trollers, exploiters, and such. At Hotaru, we use the warning system. If anyone is breaking a rule, you give them a verbal warning. An example of a verbal warning could be:

“Please don’t jump on the grill.”

After, if they continue to break the rules, you give them a warning. An example would be:

“Warning 1 - Jumping on the grill”

IF, they continue to break the rules after giving them a warning, you can report the user on our communications server or group wall. Make sure to have proof!

Exceptions to the Warning System:
These are examples of exceptions to the warning system. If a user is breaking any of these rules, you don’t give verbal or real warnings. You just IMMEDIATELY report the user to the communications server or group wall.

  • Exploiting
  • Admin Abuse
  • Serious Harassment
  • Inappropriate Behavior

Everyone is Equal:
MRs+ can also face a consequence for breaking the rules. So can chefs, so it’s not just customers that face consequences. No matter their rank, report the user if they are breaking the rules.

False reports will result in consequences.

Staff Points

Staff Points are given to only Chefs, and help you rank up to the highest LR rank. Below is the current ranks by staff points.

Junior Chef - None
Chef - 100 SP
Head Chef - 250 SP
Executive Chef - 625 SP

You earn SP every time you serve a customer. You can also earn SP by cleaning up the spills around the map.

Head Chefs & Executive Chefs are able to apply to be an MR

In-Game Commands
  • !rejoin
  • !reset
  • !ding
  • !support
    Only call support when there’s a rule-breaker, or if you have any questions to ask.

MR+ Commands:

  • !announce
  • !view
  • !kick
  • !sban

HR+ Commands:

  • !pban